1. God our Creator

Genesis 1:1-25


The following points should be kept in mind when reading the Bible account of the creation of the universe:

• The Bible brings a message of salvation to all people, of all times, and therefore uses popular, nontechnical language.

• The Bible describes things as seen by the observer. For example, the sun ‘rises’ and ‘sets’,

• The Bible communicates its divine revelation through the culture of the authors’ place and time.

• The title Genesis comes from the Greek translation of the Old Testament and means ‘origin’ or ‘beginning’.

• The tradition of the Jews is that the first 5 books of the Bible were written by Moses. (1350-1225 BC)

Read Genesis 1:1-25

Observation Questions

1. 1:1-2 Who was involved in the creation of the universe?

2. 1:3, 6,etc. How did God create the universe?

3. 1:1-25 In what order were things created?

4. 1:1-25 How did God feel about what he had made?

5. 1:1-25 What truths stand out about the nature of the whole creation?

6. 1:1-25 What is implied about the nature and character of God?

7. 1:1-25 What is God’s relationship to the world and the universe?

8. 1:1-25 What does this chapter not tell us about God?

Discussion and Application Questions

1. Do you think there is anything in this account of creation which goes against the theories of modern science?

2. Do you think it is possible for a person to believe that God created the universe and also to believe in evolution?

3. What does this chapter say to:

• a person who believes there is no God (an atheist)?

• a person who believes there are many gods (a polytheist)?

• someone who says that it is not possible to know whether there is a God and if there is a God it is not possible to know anything about him (an agnostic)?

• the scientist?

• the astrologer?

4. Compare the Genesis account of creation with the extra information given in John’s Gospel chapter 1:1-3, & verses 14 and 18. What more do you understand from this about:

• what God is like?

• what Jesus is like and why he is important to the Christian faith?

5. What difference should it make to us if we believe that the world and the universe were created by God?

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